China War on Taiwan Risks Nuclear Exchange That Could Destroy US Electric Grid

Hudson Institute presentation explains why war with China may occur in months—bringing huge risk of small nuclear exchange that could take down our electric grid for years, kill most Americans An expert foreign policy and financial analyst who has been studying China’s preparations for war was recently featured in a Hudson Institute presentation, presenting evidence that China is preparing for an invasion of Taiwan, which he believes is likely in the next few months.  The Hudson Institute is probably the best think tank in the U.S.; they have no political agenda. His evidence is summarized below.  There was another clear […]

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Fortitude Ranch launching a Collapse Survival Simulation and Threat Warning App

Disaster Preparedness LLC (parent company of Fortitude Ranch) operates a disaster threat watch system, monitoring over 50 “trigger” events that could lead to a collapse.  We provide collapse threat warnings to Fortitude Ranch members and a few investor/hedge fund firms.  With the launch next year of “Collapse Survival SimWarn” others will receive our warnings of developing situations that could lead to a collapse. This App will also provide hyper-realistic, challenging Collapse Survival Simulations.  Every week, we will release new scenarios that play out a months or year long simulation of a collapse disaster, run over a 6-day period, played simultaneously […]

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Scum politicians continue to leave our grid vulnerable and American lives at risk

f the taxes Great Britain imposed upon the colonies warranted a revolution, then the refusal of government officials to protect our electric grid, so that the vast majority of us do not perish when it is taken down, warrants BOLD action. If millions of Americans die in a grid down event due to this irresponsible, criminal negligence then this warrants execution of elected officials. The vulnerabilities of our fragile electric system have been known for decades, published in Congressional reports, with the Chair of one of these Congressional EMP study commissions, a former Admiral and CIA Director, warning that 90% […]

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Fortitude Ranch Survival Community Threat Update and Newsletter: July 2023

Science News lists their top 10 collapse threats—new technologies mean new threats We track 50 “trigger events” that could lead to a collapse at Fortitude Ranch, but a recent Science News article on the top threats included several we have not considered a viable threat. Their list of top 10 collapse threats is: 10. Alien invasion 9. Asteroid impact 8. Bees all die (crop pollination impact) 7. Artificial intelligence takeover 6. Quantum computing 5. Complexity’s instability 4. Social media 3. Pandemic(s) 2. Nuclear war 1. Climate change We don’t consider climate change a collapse threat because it may take decades […]

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Thoughts on the Chaos in Russia

The chaos in Russia may be great news in the long run, but short term it ups the threat of a desperate Putin nuclear attack in the Ukraine that could escalate, and/or a clandestine attack against the U.S./Europe like releasing a deadly virus or taking down our vulnerable electric grid. You may not be a fan of CNN, but their analysis just posted is correct: “Prigozhin may not win, and the foundations of the Kremlin’s control may not collapse. But a weakened Putin may do irrational things to prove his strength.  He may prove unable to accept the logic of […]

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Fortitude Ranch Survival Community Threat Update and Newsletter: June 2023

Fortitude Ranch Threat Condition:  Elevated, risks of war, bio attack are up Top Artificial Intelligence Experts warn it is a Threat to Mankind that we probably cannot stop Usually collapse threats don’t get a lot of headlines, but the host of leading Artificial Intelligence (AI) experts saying that this technology could destroy mankind has indeed gotten publicity.  Most of the news coverage would lead you to believe it’s a future, not a present threat.  That’s because there is a different way AI can be threatening that is not well covered in the media.  The present risk is Russia or China […]

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Fortitude Ranch Survival Community Threat Update and Newsletter: August 2022

Editor’s note;  we normally start with a threat update, but this time a short editor’s note.  We have two items submitted by members for this issue.  First a report on a great new documentary on our very fragile, vulnerable electrical system.  Second, one of our members wrote a very realistic and entertaining story imagining what it would be like riding out a collapse at Fortitude Ranch.  It’s a very educational, worth reading, surprisingly moving good essay. Probability of a Nuclear Exchange with China over Taiwan continues to rise The warnings and rising indications of war with China over Taiwan are […]

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Fortitude Ranch Survival Community Threat Update and Newsletter: July 2022

A senior Iranian official just announced that Iran has the technical means to produce a nuclear weapon, and has already enriched uranium far beyond imposed limits, and can readily reach weapons grade levels.  This is not really a surprise to people who have been watching Iran’s development not just of nuclear weapons grade material, but long range ICBMs.  With Iran regarding the United States and “the Great Satin,” run by a fanatical, religious government this is a direct threat.  Israel may well launch preemptive attacks on Iran, an ally of Russia, which could lead to a rapidly escalating conflict that […]

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Fire Nuggets: What are they, how do you make them and when do you use them.

Arguably, creating fire is one of the most, if not the most, important skills you can have in a survival situation. When you create fire you create warmth, light, the ability to cook your food, boil water, protect yourself and provide comfort. The very act of being able to create fire can be a matter of life and death. The scene in the movie Castaway where Tom Hanks finally creates fire and he dances around on the beach praising himself demonstrates that he knows at that point he will survive. Fire nuggets will allow you to have that same great […]

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