The threat of Artificial Intelligence is grossly misrepresented in the media. It is not a future threat, it is a current threat. Not bad, self-aware computers and robots, but bad people using AI now to develop better means to kill people. We are in an “Age of Collapse” now as this new video explains:
The video has convincing evidence that AI will not just be used to develop better drugs, but more deadly viruses. And easier ways to enrich uranium, more lethal poisons, an endless list. It is no surprise that so many CEOs and rich people are building survival bunkers.
The Center For Disease Control rating of H5N1, 60% lethal to humans, as “low risk” is a huge lie. After a big mutation last year, it is now spreading in 200 different mammal populations that serve as “mixing vessels” to help the virus continue adapting to a human-to-human transmissible form. But before this natural mutation occurs, we should expect that Russia or a terrorist group—or a biologist that wants to save the planet by killing off billions of humans will use “CRISPR” bioengineering technology, assisted by AI, to alter H5N1 into a human to human transmissible variant.

The 29 minute briefing above goes thru a host of additional threats.

The likelihood of a collapse is high now and rapidly rising due to new technologies, enhanced by AI, and growing world threats. No idea if it will be a natural mutation of H5N1, a bio attack by a Al Qaeda or Russia with a bioengineered virus, cyber or EMP attack on our electric grid, or terrorist attacks by Iraqi Revolutionary Guards agents poisoning municipal water systems or doing physical attacks that take down the grid. We have millions of bad Americans who loot and maraud now whenever police are overwhelmed—and they’ll take off when a big disaster hits, or perhaps later this year as election violence picks up. This is also covered in the video.

If you do not have a great survival community, are not prepared now for a collapse, please heed these warnings and get your family protected.