As we have warned in the past, the H5N1 virus (previously called Avian or Bird Flu) has mutated in recent years and is rapidly spreading in many mammal populations around the world.
A new University of California study reported that:
- “Bird flu has mutated to spread more easily between birds and marine mammals, increasing the potential risk to humans”
- “genetic analysis revealed that the virus was nearly identical in all the animals, and shared adaptations were previously detected in a human case in Chile as well as in sea lions in Peru and Chile”
- “The fact that the same virus was found . . . indicates a multi-species outbreak”
- “The current variant of H5N1 — clade — is considered a “new monster” by senior researcher Marcela Uhart, a wildlife veterinarian with the University of California”
- “This virus is still relatively low risk for humans,” Uhart said in a university news release. However, “as long as the virus continues to replicate in mammals, it may make it a higher concern for humans,” he added.”
- “A recent paper co-authored by Uhart reported a large outbreak that killed 70% of elephant seal pups during the 2023 breeding season, with mortality rates reaching at least 96% in surveyed regions of Argentina.”
- “When it first came to Argentina, we didn’t know if it would affect elephant seals,” Uhart said. “We never imagined the magnitude of what was to come.”
The other mutated H5N1 virus expansion this month to another new mammal, a goat dying of H5N1 for the firs time in the U.S.

A 2023 study in the professional journal “Viruses” explains that viruses mutate and adapt and spread to new species via “mixing vessels”—in this case, influenza virus mutating and mixing in other mammals: “Influenza viruses . . . infect a wide range of animals, including humans. From 1918 to 2009, there were four influenza pandemics, which caused millions of casualties. Frequent spillover of animal influenza viruses to humans with or without intermediate hosts poses a serious zoonotic and pandemic threat. . . . Transmission can occur directly from animals, particularly poultry and swine, to humans or through reassortant viruses in “mixing vessel” hosts. . . . there are a number of hosts which carry both types of receptors and can act as a potential mixing vessel host. High vigilance is warranted to prevent the next pandemic caused by animal influenza viruses.”
Source: Viruses. 2023 Apr; 15(4): 980., Zoonotic Animal Influenza Virus and Potential Mixing Vessel Hosts, Elsayed M. Abdelwhab, Thomas C. Mettenleiter, Daniel R Perez
Also within the last week, H5N1 detected in cattle in midwest U.S.:

“The exact cause of the illness is undiagnosed and still unknown.” But Ag officials are urging the government to send the message that the milk and diary products are safe, no threat to humans if consumed.
The Center For Disease Control will continue to pass on dishonest, calming reassurances that the H5N1 virus “currently” does not pose a significant risk to humans. This warning won’t change until after the H5N1 virus, currently 60% lethal to humans, is confirmed spreading in people—when it’s too late. The Government wants you to trust that they know best, will take care of you, don’t worry, just pay your taxes.
There is more honesty in Brazil where scientists are indeed warning of the growing threat to humans:

Medical experts and the World Health Organization are also being far more candid and honest in letting people know: H5N1 is a real threat to humans:

People need to be prepared now for a pandemic with 60% lethality, no one going to work, no law enforcement, no economic production or food deliveries, public utilities shutting down with no workers coming in, and widespread, long-lasting loss of law and order. Expect no warning from the CDC, and no help from the Government when an H5N1 pandemic starts. The priority in a disaster is sheltering elected politicians and “Continuity of Government”—ensuring that top government officials are alive and in charge.
Collapse Threat Warnings Now Available via the Collapse Survivor App

When our Threat Watch and Collapse Warning system detects a significant increase in a risk that could happen soon we issue threat alerts. We did one last year as the H5N1 virus (60% lethal to humans) was reported to be mutating and spreading in mammal populations.
You can download the App on an apple or android phone, do a 30 day trial, or sign up for a year for just $10. As this video explains, the official government threat warnigns are likely to be hours or days late (or not at all). The extra hours, days warning this App provides can save your life.
The App has many other features, including weekly collapse survival exercise simulations to help you learn more about preparedness and practice making tough survival decisions, and a stockpile function to keep track of your prepper supplies (including expiration dates):
The data you enter is securely stored and will never be released or used for marketing.
Fortitude Ranch offering new low cost membership option

For more information on this low cost, no downpayment membership option, contact the sales associate for the nearest Fortitude Ranch from map below.

You don’t need to be a billionaire or rich to survive a collapse—Fortitude Ranch is affordable for the Middle Class
The mission of Fortitude Ranch is to enable middle class Americans to survive a collapse—not just the top government officials at FEMA and military sites, the Rich in their bunkers, or the marauder groups that form to steal, kill and survive a collapse
For a virtual tour of Fortitude Ranch and overview of our key operating principles, watch this video:
Fortitude Ranch has a “Lifestyle” membership to live full or part time at your “home fort”
Our Lifestyle program allows FR members in good standing to live on the ranch full or part time. If you’re sick of the city and want peace and tranquility (or want to reduce your monthly expenditures), this may be the program you have been waiting for!
More and more people want to escape the stress and risk of city and suburban living for safer, more pleasant, rural settings. FR Lifestyle memberships provide you the safety and peace of mind of living at the ranch and of course makes it easier/faster to get to the ranch during a time of collapse. Wake up each morning away from the hustle, bustle (and crime) that cities are well known for. In addition, an FRL membership can greatly reduce your monthly living expenses while increasing the peace, tranquility and safety we all covet.
Here are the details:
- There is no additional upfront fee to join the FR Lifestyle program
- There is a monthly fee of $400 per person. This includes lodging (in your member room), electricity, water, and use of a community kitchen. Food and other essentials are not included. Lifestyle members are still responsible for paying annual and quarterly membership fees. Laundry facilities are available.
- Lifestyle members also agree to contribute 5 hours per week towards ranch work. This includes anything from landscaping, light construction, baking hardtack, canning food, etc. as you and the Ranch Manger agree.
- There are opportunities to earn extra money periodically by working more hours at the ranch as needs arise, however you should not depend on getting work hours as they may be sporadic in nature. Ranch work pays an hourly rate. You will not become rich, but you WILL experience the gratification and pride of working with like-minded, goal-oriented people in a gorgeous setting and contributing towards making the ranch not just a place to survive, but a place to thrive.
- Lifestyle members should be self sufficient. Ranch employees are unable to provide concierge services (running errands, assisting in personal projects, mechanical or repair) or any type of services regarded as “assisted living” types of duties.
A Fortitude Ranch Lifestyle membership is perfect for remote workers, retirees or anyone sick of the daily grind that has become synonymous with city living.
For more information on a Fortitude Ranch Lifestyle membership please contact the sales rep for your location (map above).
Fortitude Ranch is Expanding with Franchising, and hiring Ranch Managers and Construction Workers As Fortitude Ranch continues to expand with Franchise locations, we are hiring Ranch Managers and Construction help. Construction and military experience is highly desired for Ranch Managers. Please contact [email protected] if interested.
For information on Franchising, go to this webpage: https://fortituderanch.com/franchising/