Fortitude Ranch Threat Update and May Newsletter

Right or Wrong, the Trump Trials are increasing likelihood that 2024 POTUS election will yield violence followed by some form of Civil War, breakup of United States

Divisions in the U.S. continue to worsen, with the 2024 Biden-Trump campaign pouring gas on the fire.  Ray Dalio made his fortune with his huge hedge fund Bridgewater by correctly predicting future events, so his warning of the high chance of the U.S. devolving into civil war this year is wise to pay attention to.  The Collapse Survivor mobile App ran a military style prepper exercise simulation on U.S. civil war a month ago.  You can still play this simulation from the archived scenarios in the Mobile App and watch the “after action report” podcast video and read the Lessons Learned report from this scenario.

Biden-Trump Election Violence Civil War scenario, Lessons Learned (

Disaster Preparedness, which runs the threat watch and warning system that provides real threat alerts to Fortitude Ranch members (via the Collapse Survivor App) is especially concerned that Russia, China, Iran, North Korea will take advantage of U.S. divisions and violence later this year.  They assess a significant chance that China will invade Taiwan while a lame duck President is in office (Trump wins) or the country is plagued with violence and secession, some form of civil war (Biden wins).

We dodged an 8-10% chance of grid damage from solar EMP in May—but more are likely thru rest of 2024 into 2025

The Collapse Survivor App issued a threat alert on this risk (shown below) and will again (probably with about a day’s warning time before impact) when the next severe solar EMP impact is inbound.  Impact on the earth is highly uncertain because of so many factors at work.

A solar coronal mass ejection, cascading damage from a lightning strike, nuclear weapon EMP,  physical attacks, or cyber attacks could take down our fragile electric grid at any time since, despite decades of warnings and Congressional-funded Commissions demanding action, nothing has been done to harden our electric grid or switch to far safer microgrids.  Fortitude Ranch is designed to operate without grid power, and some of our locations (like FR NV) are off grid.

Deadly H5N1 Virus continues mutations, expansion into more species—eventually human to human contagious version

Unfortunately, H5N1 mutation and spread updates have become a regular part of this threat update newsletter.

The virus is spreading in U.S. cattle herds and as a result, three humans have caught H5N1 from cattle.  Fortunately this latest H5N1 mutation has not been very lethal for humans (unlike 60% lethality of other H5N1 versions).  The virus is in dozens of mammal species now, including domestic cats now in the U.S.  The World Health Organization released a report months ago about H5N1 spreading in domestic cats in Poland that had no contact with wild birds.  Unfortunately, H5N1 replicating in mammal species is an inevitable disaster for humans since that is a perfect “mixing vessel” for the virus to combine with other mammal viruses–eventually yielding a version that is human to human transmissible, with an unknown level of lethality.  Worse, some bad person or terrorist group or bad country is likely working with the virus now to deliberately bioengineer a more lethal, human transmissible version.

While the NBC News report emphasized the new symptom of this third human case in the U.S., the CDC ignored that in it’s headline—instead repeating it’s never changing assurance that H5N1 is “low risk” to humans.  H5N1 affecting human respiratory systems may indicate another step towards human to human transmissibility.  The CDC will probably continue to call the risk to the general public low up until we’ve got an H5N1 pandemic.  When H5N1 was just a bird flu the risk to humans was low.  When gain of function research was successfully done and the instructions on how to make a mammal-to-mammal air transmissible form of H5N1 was published, and then H5N1 started spreading in a wild mammal populations, quickly expanding to dozens of different mammal species around the world,  the CDC should have been honest and admitted the risk to the general public is high.  As it continues to spread into mammal populations, and into domestic animals with no contact with birds, there is no excuse for the CDC’s irresponsible efforts to keep the public calm with assurances that H5N1 is a low risk.  It is a very high risk, an inevitable human pandemic coming.  The only questions are when and how lethal will it be.  Someone deliberately bioengineering H5N1 as a bio weapon will likely produce a 60% lethal version, as it has been in the past.  The government is going to err on the side of trying to make people feel safe, avoid panic, and above all else trust the government to take care of you.  The Collapse Survivor App via its “Preparedness News” reports will keep you up to date on this threat.  When there is evidence the eventual human to human contagious virus is spreading, the App will send you a Threat Alert to take immediate action.  Do not wait to join Fortitude Ranch until a Threat Alert comes out—it will be too late; limited space we have available will be gone.

Collapse Threat Warnings Now Available via the Collapse Survivor App

24,000 Chinese Nationals Cross US Border In 2023, many suspected of being Chinese agents

U.S. border patrol authorities detained more than 24,000 Chinese citizens crossing the southern border in the 2023 fiscal year, which was 12 (nearly 13) times more than was recorded the previous year (fiscal year 2022).

The FBI has warned that there are “Chinese safe houses in every state.”  The Collapse Survivor App has a scenario that involves Chinese agents carrying out a wide variety of attacks on U.S. infrastructure to draw off U.S. military resources from being able to support Taiwan.

The U.S.-Mexico border remains open to whatever government agents or terrorists or cartel gang members want to enter.

We have entered “The Age of Collapse”—high and rapidly increasing likelihood of a collapse disaster due to new technologies, incredible destructive power that a small group or individual can unleash

Watch this short briefing explaining why and how the likelihood of a big disaster, destruction that could lead to a collapse (non-functioning economy, long term loss of law and order) is high and rising:

We need your help promoting the life-saving Collapse Survivor App

Over 6,000 people have downloaded the new Collapse Survivor App for preparedness news, real threat alerts, fun training on military style exercise simulations, great preparedness training videos, and a stockpile inventory function to help you keep track of your supplies.   The App is free for 30 days, then just 99 cents/month.  We’d be very grateful for you recommending the App to your friends and family and giving it a 5 star rating.  The extra hours or days of warning you get from the real threat alerts via the Collapse Survivor App can save your life.

All Fortitude Ranch locations now have some member rooms available

We get sold out of some types of rooms, but are always building and expanding at all Fortitude Ranch locations, and all have some member rooms available now.  FR Nevada has all types, including luxury rooms, in their huge “Viking Lodge” building (full basement below the two upper stores):

In addition to member rooms of all types, there is a private floor (for small survival group or large family) available in the upper floor left log building.

Looking for a safe, rural place to live—and survive out a collapse in comfort?

Fortitude Ranch Texas has two private floors available for a couple or family for vacation or full time living.  While the normal FR membership is for 2 weeks of vacation visits/year; this is a full time occupancy option.  

Expanding Gardens and Ranch Animals

While we of course stockpile food and will hunt and forage, gardening and ranch animals are key to long term survival (if you’ve got the land, people, weapons, organization for defense as Fortitude Ranch has).

New, larger chicken coop at FR WI
FR NV has also built a much larger, second chicken coop.

Fortitude Ranch New York has a wide, expanding collection of tasty creatures, including chickens, turkeys, ducks, fish and hogs.   Photo above shows expanded collection of containers for animal feed storage.

Goats at Fortitude Ranch TN.  Most FR locations have sheep rather than goats.  The later are heartier but far more of a pain to keep fenced in.

Fortitude Ranch Staff Member profile

Many of our staff members, particularly “Assistant Ranch Managers” don’t like to have their names/photos shared, but we periodically profile FR staff.  This week, Frodo, the lead guard dog at Fortitude Ranch Colorado is featured:

Frodo is half coon hound, half Australian sheep dog
Ever vigilant, Frodo and his trusty companion Donny (American, “mixed” breed), greet member guests and keep bears, coyotes, mountain lions, bobcats, and raccoons away.

To find out what rooms are available at the 7 FR locations now operating, contact the appropriate sales associate shown below

You don’t need to be a billionaire or rich to survive a collapse—Fortitude Ranch is affordable for the Middle Class

The mission of Fortitude Ranch is to enable middle class Americans to survive a collapse—not just the top government officials at FEMA and military sites, the Rich in their bunkers, or the marauder groups that form to steal, kill and survive a collapse.  

For a virtual tour of Fortitude Ranch and overview of our key operating principles, watch this video:

Fortitude Ranch has a “Lifestyle” membership to live full or part time at your “home fort”

Our Lifestyle program allows FR members in good standing to live on the ranch full or part time. If you’re sick of the city and want peace and tranquility (or want to reduce your monthly expenditures), this may be the program you have been waiting for!

More and more people want to escape the stress and risk of city and suburban living for safer, more pleasant, rural settings.  FR Lifestyle memberships provide you the safety and peace of mind of living at the ranch and of course makes it easier/faster to get to the ranch during a time of collapse.  Wake up each morning away from the hustle, bustle (and crime) that cities are well known for.  In addition, a FR Lifestyle membership can greatly reduce your monthly living expenses while increasing the peace, tranquility and safety we all covet.

Here are the details:

1. There is no additional upfront fee to join the FR Lifestyle program

2. There is a monthly fee of $400 per person. This includes lodging (in your member room), electricity, water, and use of a community kitchen. Food and other essentials are not included. Lifestyle members are still responsible for paying annual and quarterly membership fees. Laundry facilities are available.

3. Lifestyle members also agree to contribute 5 hours per week towards ranch work. This includes anything from landscaping, light construction, baking hardtack, canning food, etc. as you and the Ranch Manger agree.

4. There are opportunities to earn extra money periodically by working more hours at the ranch as needs arise, however you should not depend on getting work hours as they may be sporadic in nature. Ranch work pays an hourly rate. You will not become rich, but you WILL experience the gratification and pride of working with like-minded, goal-oriented people in a gorgeous setting and contributing towards making the ranch not just a place to survive, but a place to thrive.

5. Lifestyle members should be self sufficient. Ranch employees are unable to provide concierge services (running errands, assisting in personal projects, mechanical or repair) or any type of services regarded as “assisted living” types of duties.

A Fortitude Ranch Lifestyle membership is perfect for remote workers, retirees or anyone sick of the daily grind that has become synonymous with city living.

For more information on a Fortitude Ranch Lifestyle membership please contact the sales rep for your location (map below).

Fortitude Ranch is Expanding with Franchising, and hiring Ranch Managers and Construction help

As Fortitude Ranch continues to expand with Franchise locations, we are hiring Ranch Managers and Construction help.  Construction and military experience is highly desired for Ranch Managers.  Please contact [email protected] if interested.

For information on Franchising, go to this webpage:

Want to be able to resurrect your business after a Collapse?  Fortitude Collapse Preparedness can prepare a plan to help your business survive

The majority of businesses will not survive a collapse. Manufacturing plants, warehouses, office buildings, and property that are not guarded will likely be looted and/or destroyed.  Many or most personnel are unlikely to survive a bad pandemic or long term grid down disaster.

Collapse-level risks are not covered in typical business risk management or continuity of operations plans. They deal with “normal,” historic disasters that have triggered relatively minor disruptions and losses. Our future is increasingly one of major Black Swan disasters that could lead to a significant collapse lasting from months to years. Fortitude Collapse Preparedness can help your organization survive, and perhaps even thrive during such events.

Investor opportunities at Fortitude Ranch Tennessee and New York

FR TN and NY are Franchise operations, still raising funds for building and expansion. If you are interested in investing in either location (with discounted membership prices for investors) contact:

FR TN: [email protected]

FR NY:  [email protected]

Follow us on Twitter @Fortitude_Ranch
