Some good threat news—no active supervolcano warnings, Yellowstone is not about to erupt
There are huge numbers of YouTube videos suggesting that Yellowstone is about to erupt as a supervolcano. Such an eruption would not just destroy life locally, but spread ash that would destroy much of U.S. crops short term—and long term might reduce or block sunlight worldwide for years, causing huge loss of life and species and a horrific collapse.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey office, there is no higher risk now of a Yellowstone eruption. The most recent supervolcanic eruption on Earth occurred about 27,000 years ago at Taupo in New Zealand. The USGS believes that the only volcano with the potential for a supervolcano size eruption that’s showing any signs of unrest is Campi Flegrei in Italy, but that unrest activity has been going on for decades and its last eruption wasn’t a super eruption.
Yellowstone could indeed have a supervolcano size eruption. It has had at least three, 2.08, 1.3, and 0.631 million years ago. But this average of about 725,000 years between eruptions is largely meaningless—it is not going to happen at regular intervals like “Old Faithful” erupts. There are currently no indications that Yellowstone is nearing an eruption.
Hudson Institute presentation explains why war with China may occur in months—bringing huge risk of small nuclear exchange that could take down our electric grid for years, kill most Americans
An expert foreign policy and financial analyst who has been studying China’s preparations for war was recently featured in a Hudson Institute presentation, presenting evidence that China is preparing for an invasion of Taiwan, which he believes is likely in the next few months. The Hudson Institute is probably the best think tank in the U.S.; they have no political agenda.
His evidence is summarized in a blog post on the FR website. There was another clear warning earlier this year when the CIA Director openly released to the media a report that President Xi has ordered the military to be ready for war, but suggested it was still several years out. In the Hudson Institute briefing, Kyle Bass uses a variety of economic and open source information that lays out a convincing case that China has committed to achieving their half century plus old goal of retaking Taiwan, and may invade in months, not years.
If China invades Taiwan and gets into combat with U.S. Forces they are likely to threaten and if necessary launch a small nuclear attack on the U.S. to force the President to back down and sacrifice Taiwan. It only takes one high altitude nuclear detonation to destroy our electric grid. Congressional studies of our vulnerable electric system warned that an EMP attack on the grid would take it down for over a year, which could lead to the death of most Americans.
You can watch the hour long presentation and interview in the Hudson Institute video, and it is summarized on the Fortitude Ranch website blog post.
For a virtual tour of Fortitude Ranch and overview of our key operating principles, watch this video:
Fortitude Ranch New York is opening!
Fortitude Ranch New York, in the beautiful Catskill Mountains, is now open for membership. This 68 acre, forested property has spring fed water, farm animals, fruit and nut trees, fields, and everything needed for a great vacation or a safe place to ride out a collapse. FR NY is a Franchise operation, operated by on site owners, and a full part of the Fortitude Ranch system. If you join FR NY as your “home fort” with your room and supplies stored there, you can also vacation for free at any FR location—and ride out a collapse at any location if you can’t get back to your FR NY home fort.
FR NY also offers RV memberships, RV storage, and “Fortitude Village”—you can lease land to build your own house (or park RV/Tiny Home) for a vacation or full time residence, with the protection of the surrounding Fortitude Ranch New York facility.
For information on joining FR NY, contact Abbey at [email protected]
We have been building, now have most types of member rooms available—contact sales associate for your location
New Solar System at FR Wisconsin
FR Wisconsin, a former RV park and resort, has a new solar system, integrated with a propane generator. A wind generator is being added next.
Save your Friends 10% and Get a Credit on your Quartelry Dues by recommending Fortitude Ranch Membership
Our members are the best ambassadors for Fortitude Ranch, and we greatly appreciate your help in recruiting good people to join Fortitude Ranch. If you have friends, family, associates of good character that you’d like to survive a collapse, email them and copy [email protected]. Let them know they can get 10% off their membership initial payment by letting the sales associate know they were referred by you (sales associate will need your name to confirm). If they join, we will award you a 10% credit (10% of their membership initial payment) as a credit towards your quarterly dues payments.
DIY Prepping is wise, and may suffice for minor disasters. But if law and order is lost in your area, Fortitude Ranch may be the only way you can survive.
People often want to join FR, but decide they will wait until they see more risk of a collapse to join. Millions of people have visited our website, heard of us in the news, and googling we are easy to find. If you want until a pending disaster to try and join, it will be too late—all available rooms will be gone. If there is time for us to quickly build and add member rooms and stockpile food we will—but at that point we will only be offering membership to our “Fortitude token” cryptocurrency token holders. If you are determined to wait and not join now, you should consider purchasing our utility tokens that can be used to purchase membership in FR; more information here.
Upcoming Fortitude Ranch Training Programs
Nevada training will be given on Saturday Sep 23, 2023. The cost is $25 per Fortitude Ranch member and $250 per person for non-members. For more information contact Drew at [email protected].
In Texas we are offering a training opportunity on Saturday October 14, 2023. The cost is $25 per Fortitude Ranch member and $500 per person for non-members. For more information contact Drew at [email protected].
Fortitude Ranch Wisconsin is member training only, $25/person, offered on October 28 and 29, 2023. For more information contact Eric at [email protected].
Investor opportunities at Fortitude Ranch Tennessee and New York
FR TN and NY are Franchise operations, still raising funds for building and expansion. If you are interested in investing in either location (with discounted membership prices for investors) contact:
FR TN: [email protected]
FR NY: [email protected]
Fortitude Ranch the ideal hedge investment
When a really bad pandemic occurs, our electric grid goes down, or we get into a nuclear war, the stock market will plummet and many businesses will never recover. Fortitude Ranch is an “anti-fragile” business—we thrive when disasters strike, making us an ideal hedge investment. We are now doing a Third Round capital raise to continue expanding and improving Fortitude Ranch and to lend money to help new Franchise locations get operational. Due to Securities Exchange Commission regulations we are limited to “accredited investors” a dishonest government term for rich people, those with at least a million dollars in net worth. If you qualify and would like to invest, contact [email protected]