f the taxes Great Britain imposed upon the colonies warranted a revolution, then the refusal of government officials to protect our electric grid, so that the vast majority of us do not perish when it is taken down, warrants BOLD action. If millions of Americans die in a grid down event due to this irresponsible, criminal negligence then this warrants execution of elected officials.
The vulnerabilities of our fragile electric system have been known for decades, published in Congressional reports, with the Chair of one of these Congressional EMP study commissions, a former Admiral and CIA Director, warning that 90% of Americans could die when our grid is destroyed.[i] It is not just Russia and China that could launch such an attack, even North Korea’s tiny, inaccurate nuclear arsenal is sufficient to destroy our grid. A dedicated terrorist group could take it down with coordinated physical attacks on key nodes. Yet elected officials refuse to force utilities to harden our grid from EMP, cyber, and physical attack because they fear losing votes for utility rates going up, and they want donations from utility company lobbyists.
Congress refuses to do anything but sponsor studies that keep repeating the warnings that solar flares, EMP from nuclear weapons, cyber-attacks, or physical attacks could lead to loss of our grid not for weeks or months, but a year or years. When the grid goes down, nothing gets produced. Municipal water systems do not work, gasoline does not get pumped, and millions die in the first month. Law and order will quickly vanish as some people desperate to survive, including gang members and millions released from prisons that cannot operate without electricity, steal and kill to obtain food and water.
In an effort to force spineless elected officials to finally act, Dallas investor and businessman David Tice spent a considerable sum to create an absolutely clear, professionally produced documentary, citing a host of experts describing the many vulnerabilities in our electric grid that must be fixed:

Tice also set up a system where viewers can easily send emails and letters to their elected officials demanding that they act. It is feasible to fix the grid so it is survivable, at a cost of billions that is tiny compared to funds spent on absolutely unnecessary government programs. The priority of government is to protect citizens, and our vulnerable electric grid is probably the biggest risk we face.
David Tice and other responsible Americans trying to get our electric grid vulnerabilities fixed, promoted legislation in Texas this year to create a commission to force utilities to harden the grid. Utilities and some businesses that want low-cost electricity opposed the bill but the opposition was not that intense. First, it was weakened from a bill allowing the Commission to force hardening to just allowing the Commission to make recommendations to study the Texas Electric grid vulnerabilities. Politicians are afraid that if they force grid security improvements, the costs will lead to higher electric bills and loss of votes. Politicians prioritize their re-election, not protecting citizen’s lives. The weakened bill (SB330) passed the Senate unanimously but was essentially killed by the Speaker of the House (whose former co-chief of staff works for the Association of Electric Companies of Texas) with delayed hearings and then lowest priority scheduling so the bill never reached the floor of the House for a final vote. Therefore, the bill died when the legislative session ended.
This is the fourth time in as many legislative sessions where the Texas legislature failed to act on a topic that is so crucial to Texas, lucky enough to be the only state in the nation with its own grid. David Tice worked tirelessly on this bill, bringing actor Dennis Quaid to the Capitol for extended meetings, lobbying legislators and staffers, bringing barbeque sandwiches to House offices, holding screenings, all to no avail. Over the last eight years, the Center for Security Policy’s CEO Tommy Waller has brought multiple technical experts to Austin to educate lawmakers, evidenced by more than fifty hours of public presentations.
Our enemies know about these electric grid vulnerabilities. The CIA has publicly reported that China’s President has ordered their military to be prepared for an invasion of Taiwan.[i] Taking down the U.S. power grid may be the best way for China to knock the U.S. out of supporting Taiwan. Putin needs to knock out U.S. support for Ukraine—taking down our grid would do that. Without the U.S., the Republic of Korea (South Korea) cannot survive a North Korean attack. Iran, terrorist groups, others could launch a physical attack or a cyber attack that takes down our grid as the power surges and problems spread thru the grid (explained in the Grid Down, Power Up documentary). Our vulnerabile, easy to knock out electric grid is our Achille’s Heel. This is widely known and will be exploited.
If the grid goes down and most Americans die, the survivors will be big marauder group members, Fortitude Ranch and other extremely well protected preppers, and top government officials who shelter at Mount Weather, Site R and other FEMA and military facilities across the U.S. When, if, we finally recover, the major criminals I want to bring to justice and execute will not be the marauders, but the shit politicians who for decades have prioritized reelection and utility company donations over protecting our lives. Elected officials in Congress and state government deserve the worst for their irresponsible, criminal failure to fix this catastrophic disaster waiting to happen.
Dr. Drew Miller, Col USAF (Ret)
CEO, Fortitude Ranch
[i] CIA Director, quoted in Daily Mail, 2023, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11707865/CIA-chief-says-Chinas-Xi-little-sobered-Ukraine-war.html
[i] R. JAMES WOOLSEY AND VINCENT PRY, , March 29, 2017, “How North Korea could kill 90 percent of Americans,” The Hill.com http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/defense/326094-how-north-korea-could-kill-up-to-90-percent-of-americans-at-any