Science News lists their top 10 collapse threats—new technologies mean new threats
We track 50 “trigger events” that could lead to a collapse at Fortitude Ranch, but a recent Science News article on the top threats included several we have not considered a viable threat.

Their list of top 10 collapse threats is:
10. Alien invasion
9. Asteroid impact
8. Bees all die (crop pollination impact)
7. Artificial intelligence takeover
6. Quantum computing
5. Complexity’s instability
4. Social media
3. Pandemic(s)
2. Nuclear war
1. Climate change
We don’t consider climate change a collapse threat because it may take decades for these impacts to yield a major disaster—and we suspect other disasters will trigger a collapse long before then. Indeed, perhaps the best way to stop global warming is a horrible pandemic or other collapse event that halts economic activity and kills most of mankind. Indeed, that is one of the threats we do track—the risk that an environmentally motivated individual or group will deliberate release a virus to kill most of us and “save the planet.” The increase in new technologies that can be misused, the complexity/interdependence/vulnerability of our economy, and our dependent populations, divided and split in many countries, is a powder keg ready to explode.
Fortitude Ranch is Expanding and Hiring! If you have construction skills, military or LEO background, great work ethic, please contact us for full or part time work
Our primary need is full time staff, but we are open to part time positions as well.
If you have great construction skills and want to work to pay all or part of your membership dues, this may be possible as well.
Fortitude Ranch Franchise Locations Increasing, Seeking Investors/RV Park or Resort locations in Arizona, Ozarks and Elsewhere
Franchising continues at Fortitude Ranch. In addition to the successful launch of Tennessee Village back in March FR has is also adding a Franchise location in NY state. Fortitude Ranch started franchising since we have thousands of people on waiting lists hoping for a Fortitude Ranch location to be built closer to where they live.
If you have land, capital and/or business experience or some combination of the three…. ask our team how you can launch a Fortitude Ranch franchise in your area. A remote RV park or resort is ideal—they already have much of the resources needed for a FR operation.

Fortitude Ranch Wisconsin was an RV resort before we converted it to a FR facility.
You can offer capital to invest in a Fortitude Ranch Franchise. There are several groups of people in AZ, FL, ME and IN who are gathering more investor support so they can build out a FR Franchise. There is major demand in WA/OR and the Ozarks for a FR location as well.
We can show you how to launch your own franchise or get you partnered with like-minded folks already at work to establish one. If interested, there is a video on franchising and you can contact [email protected] for more information.
Fortitude Ranch is sold out of some types of rooms, but still has some capacity for new members at most locations
With the growing awareness of the need to prepare, we have sold out of Luxury rooms at several locations, but still have Economy and Spartan rooms and RV spots available at most of the 6 Fortitude Ranch locations. If you are interested in details of how Fortitude Ranch operates, watch the video below and then contact the sales associate for the location you are interested in.

Forti-Cabin offers you a private housing option at all Fortitude Ranch Locations
Most Fortitude Ranch members stay in dormitory style rooms, a private, locked bedroom, with neighboring rooms. If you want more privacy, we offer “Forti-Cabin,” a small cabin designed for survival, at all our locations.

Forti-Cabin is designed with a collapse, survival environment in mind. It is placed so the door faces the safe, inside of the defensive compound, with no windows on the “bad guy” side. The windows are up high in the eaves so you can get good cooling air flow and sunlight, but no opportunity for a marauder group to see you inside. The lower 4’ wall on the bad guy side has plate steel sheets in it and solid wood—not fiberglass insulation. It is wood on outside and inside, no drywall, so if there is a bullet sent your way, your family inside should be safe.

Interior design includes a Murphy Bed and bunkbed, so you can sleep up to 5 people in a small 8 x 12 Forti-Cabin (12 x 12 sizes also available for up to 8 members). There is a sink inside, and an outhouse outside. With a small solar system (shared with a neighboring Forti-Cabin) you’ll have electricity for LED lights and outlets. A very small woodstove allows heating in winter and ability to heat water, cook.
Forti-Cabin was designed for quick assembly in a collapse (using 4 x 8 sheets of wood and material that largely needs no cutting, ready to assemble). The model Forti-Cabin at Fortitude Ranch Texas is erected, but because an increasing number of rural counties are unfortunately going “Big Government” with more regulations on your private property, we will not erect Forti-Cabins at most FR locations until a collapse occurs. The pad (treated lumber) will be installed and all the material and furnishings purchased, laid down on the pad and securely covered. With the surge in manpower in a collapse, Forti-Cabin can be quickly erected.

You can purchase your private Forti-Cabin that includes 50-year memberships at prices shown below:

A 50-year membership gives you not just survival security and peace of mind, but protection from price increases. When you buy shorter, 5- or 10-year FR memberships you will have to renew at significantly higher prices (we raise prices on average twice a year). You can change members in your Forti-Cabin at no cost, and add members (at the current prices) later on up to the maximum by size.
When you visit a Fortitude Ranch for vacation (members can stay at any FR location for up to two weeks/year at no cost), you can stay in a visitor room. Forti-Cabin members are encouraged to purchase and store a large tool lock box (such as this one: https://www.homedepot.com/p/RIDGID-60-in-x-24-in-Universal-Storage-Chest-RB60/317120276 ) with their recommended survival supplies at their “Home fort.”
Survival Skills and Shooting Training at Fortitude Ranch Colorado July 8
There is still space available at the Saturday, July 8 Fortitude Ranch Colorado survival and shooting skills training program. The cost is $25 for members, $500 for non-members. The training covers safe firearms use, guard duty, weapons cleaning, getting to your bug out location, bug out bags, safe travel on foot in a collapse situation, and other survival and defense skills. Contact [email protected] if interested in signing up for this July 8 training.

For upcoming survival training dates at other FR locations, check the Fr website, training page: https://fortituderanch.com/training-program/
Fortitude Ranch members with Medical Skills invited to attend a zoom meeting on improving our clinics at each Fortitude Ranch location and collaborating
The diverse skills and capabilities of our members is a huge benefit for Fortitude Ranch in surviving a collapse. In July there is a zoom conference of doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other medical specialists in the membership to discuss improving our medical clinics, stockpiled supplies, and ability to operate in a collapse with no medical facilities available (unless you’re a top government official, enjoying yourself in the many government survival facilities). Medical skilled members, please contact [email protected] to get the conference information.
Please feel free to forward this newsletter to your friends and associates who are not yet preparing
Investor opportunities at Fortitude Ranch Tennessee and New York
FR TN and NY are Franchise operations, still raising funds for building and expansion. If you are interested in investing in either location (with discounted membership prices for investors) contact:
FR TN: [email protected]
FR NY: [email protected]